Sessions will consist of contribution presentations followed by questions from delegates or the session Chair. All contributions scheduled for presentation in topic-oriented sessions will be available for conference participants in advance so they could prepare for the discussion. There is a possibility that some of the topic sessions will be organised as discussion forums (shorter time for presentation and extended time for discussion). Programme Chairs will decide that based on the profile of the received submissions.
Workshop sessions at DESIGN conference aim to bring together users and experts in interactive, half-day sessions elaborating specific topics. The workshop coordinators could invite selected presentations and demonstrations in order to stimulate the debate as well as to propose any format of delivery that inspires interaction. The workshop participants receive all the workshop contributions prior to the conference in order to stimulate a discussion on the workshop.
The PhD Forum is now in its fourth year and gives PhD students the opportunity to discuss their work, as well as ask for feedback on more specific issues or challenges. This is framed in a group discussion, giving participants insight into how others are approaching related topics. Feedback is provided by experienced scholars as well as by the participant’s peers. This is all combined into a vibrant workshop where participants can explore their subject and network with other young researchers.
Organizers and debaters expect the audience will actively and lively participate in this event that was introduced successfuly for the first time during DESIGN 2012 conference. The purpose of the debate is to investigate in a forensic manner some key topics that affect the engineering design research community. This will be achieved by key players in the community presenting evidence for or against a particular topic.
Industrial forum will be an opportunity to discuss industrial views, needs and expectations of design research, tracing emerging trends in industrial innovation and the right strategies for a sustainable future. Forum will offer a platform for debate among decision makers, practitioners and academics about the future of design research, needs and expectations.