News & Events

Thank you for making DESIGN 2024 a success

Saturday, 25 May 2024

On behalf of the program chairs, organizing team, and our PCO, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your participation in DESIGN 2024 conference. Your engagement and contributions were crucial to making this conference a resounding success. We hope you enjoyed the venue, the scientific program, and the social events, and that everything met your expectations.

We are pleased to inform you that the papers from the conference are now available on the CUP website.

Additionally, next week will add recordings of the keynote sessions and the debate to our YouTube channel. We encourage you to subscribe, as we will be adding multimedia from previous events there as well.

We value your feedback and suggestions. If you have any comments or proposals, please feel free to email us.

If you are not already a member, we invite you to join the Design Society and become part of our community.

When referring to the event on social media, please use the hashtags #DESIGN2024conference, #DESIGNConference, and #DesignSociety.

Thank you once again for your participation and support. We look forward to welcoming you back to Cavtat-Dubrovnik-Croatia for DESIGN 2026, which will take place from May 18-21.

DESIGN 2024 conference now open for business

Sunday, 19 May 2024

We're thrilled to announce that the DESIGN 2024 Conference has officially begun with regsitration of delegates! Stay updated with the latest conference highlights content by following the Design Society's LinkedIn profile

Final program for the DESIGN conference now available

Friday, 19 April 2024

The DESIGN conference is pleased to announce that the final program for the entire event is now available online. Participants, and all who are interested, can access a comprehensive schedule of all sessions, workshops, meetings, and keynote speeches, including the much-anticipated 5th Design Debate. The complete program details are accessible at the following link:

5th edition of the DESIGN Debate announced

Monday, 15 April 2024

The DESIGN 2024 Conference is thrilled to announce its upcoming 5th Design Debate taking place under the banner "Product is Dead. Long Live Systems!". Historically, DESIGN debates have emphasized the tangible over the theoretical, critically examining the state of design research and the efficacy of design methodologies. This year’s theme challenges the traditional emphasis on product design, advocating instead for a systemic perspective that mirrors today’s multifaceted global challenges.

Session chairs and presentation slots announced

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

In our continued effort to ensure a smoothly run and engaging conference, potential session chairs were recently contacted regarding their willingness to lead discussions and oversee sessions. This vital role contributes to the quality and success of the conference, fostering an environment of meaningful exchange and professional growth. Simultaneously, presenting authors have been informed about their respective presentation slots. This step marks a key phase in our preparation, allowing authors to plan and prepare for their presentations effectively. The allocated slots have been carefully considered to maximize attendee engagement and thematic relevance across the diverse array of topics to be covered at the conference. The full program is planned to be announced in mid-April.

Accepted papers now with publisher

Monday, 11 March 2024

We are excited to share a significant milestone for the DESIGN 2024 conference. All papers that have been accepted and registered for the conference have been officially sent to the publisher (Cambridee University Press). This progression ensures that your groundbreaking research and innovative ideas will be showcased to the global design community. By moving forward with the publishing process, we are one step closer to sharing the collective knowledge and insights that have emerged from our rigorous selection process.

Onshape announced as lead sponsor for DESIGN 2024

Friday, 23 February 2024

We are thrilled to announce Onshape(PTC) as the lead sponsor for the upcoming DESIGN 2024 conference! This partnership marks a significant milestone for our event, highlighting the convergence of innovation, technology, and design. For more details about Onshape/PTC and what they bring to the DESIGN 2024 conference, please visit

Explore cutting-edge workshops organised by Design Society SIGs

Monday, 19 February 2024

Check the details of an exceptional series of workshops brought to you by the Design Society's Special Interest Groups (SIGs), happening at DESIGN 2024. Dive deep into the latest trends, methodologies, and tools across various domains. Each workshop is curated to foster learning, collaboration, and innovation among attendees. For a more detaols, check out

Announcing our keynote speakers

Monday, 19 February 2024

We are thrilled to unveil our lineup of distinguished keynote speakers for DESIGN 2024, featuring prominent academics and industry leaders and pioneers from the field. Their insights and experiences promise to inspire and ignite discussion. For more details on our keynote speakers and their presentation topics, visit

Registration and accommodation reservation is open

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Registration for participants is open. All information is available at:

Accommodation reservation is open. All information is available at:

Those who need a visa to enter Croatia should read the information provided at:

DESIGN Conference Paper Review Results

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

After receiving reviews, the Programme Chairs have made their final decision on the acceptance of the papers. To remind you, we received more than 500 submissions, highlighting the event's popularity and the high caliber of research within our community. Notably, 15% of these submissions were desk-rejected by the Programme Chairs before the review stage, and from those reviewed, 71% were accepted. This rigorous selection process is a testament to the competitive nature of the DESIGN conference.

1311 review tasks were sent out

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

In a recent Programme Chairs meeting, a thorough assessment of submissions led to significant decisions. Out of the total submissions, 75 were desk rejected due to being out of scope or not compliant with the submission guidelines. From the remaining pool, 437 submissions were carefully chosen to be sent to reviewers. This decision resulted in a substantial distribution of review tasks, with 1311 tasks being delegated across 358 reviewers. This step underscores the committee's commitment to a detailed and fair review process, ensuring only submissions that meet the specified criteria and guidelines are considered.

Submission is open

Saturday, 15 July 2023

Call for Papers is available

Friday, 24 March 2023

DESIGN 2022 successfully ended.

Friday, 27 May 2022

Thanks to all who participated as authors, reviewers, presenters, invited speakers and chairs for continuous support to the conference.
Video recordings of the conference sessions will be available after the conference - further info to follow.

DESIGN 2022 registration is open

Monday, 7 February 2022

Decision to move DESIGN 2022 to an online event

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Dear Colleagues,

It is my unpleasant duty to inform you about the pandemic situation in Croatia and the consequences it has to the DESIGN 2022 conference model. The pandemic situation in Croatia is currently not very good. We still have one of the lowest overall vaccination rates in EU and a fatality rate that is very high. For these reasons, we still have rigid restrictions imposed by the state, including tight restrictions regarding public indoor events. It is on the basis of these restrictions that we need to base our decisions about the DESIGN 2022 conference.

As DESIGN 2022 organisers, we hoped to have a more certain situation regarding the pandemic, when we reached this point, namely the communication of our final decision about paper acceptance and opening of the registration for the conference.

Our contractual obligation timeline with the planned conference venue (Hotel Croatia Cavtat) and our duty to make the safest decision on behalf of you, our delegates, have led us to the conclusion that we cannot continue to take the risk and continue preparations for an on-site conference. The Organising Committee has discussed the situation in detail, both with the Programme Chairs and the Design Society’s Board of Management (to whom we express our gratitude for respectful support), on the basis of which we have made the difficult decision that we could not postpone any longer.

Thus, DESIGN 2022 will be organised and held as an online conference event. This was a tough decision, knowing that all of us had hoped that we would finally meet in person for the first time in a very long time. But we believe that in the current situation, it is the only responsible and most fair decision towards the whole community and to ourselves and our ultimate financial sponsor, the University of Zagreb, given the different stages of the pandemic, plus the current rules and preferences from country to country, institution to institution, and amongst every one of us, personally.

The conference will be held, as planned, between 23rd and 26th May 2022, and we will do our best to ensure the best possible online conference experience. We will organise a workshop day on Monday 23rd May, with a whole of 10 workshops to choose from. Thereafter, we will prepare three working days including paper presentations, discussions and keynote speeches. We bring with us our experiences from the online DESIGN 2020 and a number of other conferences held over the past two years, which will help us improve, accordingly to the suggestions that we have received from participants. Accepted papers will be published by Cambridge University Press and indexed in all major indexing databases, as is the contractual agreement between CUP and the Design Society.

We remain very thankful to you for your patience and understanding and will keep you posted about further activities and plans related to the DESIGN 2022 programme. We hope that DESIGN 2022 as an online event will be success for all of us – and we of course look forward to welcoming you on-site in 2024.

Kind regards,

Mario Štorga
…on behalf of the DESIGN 2022 Programme Chairs and Organising Committee.

The review process ended

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

The DESIGN 2022 Conference reviewing process has successfully ended, and the results were sent to the authors. Papers accepted by the Programme Chairs will be published by Cambridge University Press and indexed in all major indexing databases, as is the contractual agreement between CUP and the Design Society.
It must be noted that the quality of submissions continues to grow, each time we hold the conference – this is a great sign of the continuously growing scholarly level of our community.
More information about the reviewing process can be found here.

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